Lord Guide My Child
Lovely Lady, I am SO thankful that you are here and are ready to pour love into your child’s life through prayer. What an amazing person you are! In this article of the series, we will focus on “Lord, Guide My Child”. Welcome to Day 8 of the Praying Scripture Over My Child Series.
Let’s get this started!
“Lord guide my children so that they grow
mature in you. I pray that they will be built
solidly on the foundation of Jesus, and grow in
your grace with a conscious sense of your presence.
May they continue to be built up with your
wisdom, favor, truth, love, life, faith, strength, and
Scripture Reference In Bible
Luke 2:52
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Ephesians 4:15
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
Colossians 2:6-7
6 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the LORD, so walk ye in him: 7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
Devotion | Lord Guide My Child
A toddler will grow into a child. A child will grow into a teenager. A teenager will grow into a young adult. A young adult will grow into a mature adult functioning in the real world.
This means as parents we must accept the responsibility to make sure our children have a firm foundation of the knowledge of who Jesus is.
As they grow into each stage of their lives, God will show Himself true. Through that, they will learn to know and feel wisdom, favor, truth, love, life, faith, strength, and thankfulness.
Pray that your child is fully equipped to handle what this world will bring to them. Pray that they are able to stand firm on the solid rock on which they stand.
Keep Praying Over Your Child!
I would LOVE for you to join me for the additional prayers in this series. Just click on the pictures below and hop on over to continue praying for your child!
I know that God is going to do amazing things for your children and you will not go wrong in praying over your child.
Do you want to take it a step further?
Join me in this 5-Day Cover Your Child In Prayer Challenge!
In this Prayer Challenge you will receive prayers that cover your child’s:
In this 5-Day Prayer Challenge, you will receive an e-mail each day with a devotional, prayer, scriptures, and task targeting a specific area in your child’s life.
We as mother’s know that there will be times when we cannot protect our child from the ways of this world. That’s why it is imperative we cover our children from HEAD TO TOE in prayer.
5-Day Challenge with Devotional, Prayer, Tasks, and Printables.
Cover Your Child in Prayer Challenge!
A 5-Day Challenge that focuses on specific prayer for your child.
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Hey! Let’s Not End This Here!
I want to get to know you more and I would love for you to come join me over on my FACEBOOK PAGE! We are a Community of Mom’s and Wives who are passionate about seeing their entire family THRIVE in the Kingdom of God. I know being a Mom and Wife has ups and downs so let’s join hands with other Christian Moms and do this thing together!! I’ll see you there. 😍