
Mermaid Gift Guide

Your Mermaid Gift Guide 25 Gifts Under $25 *This post contains affiliate links How adorable are mermaids? Mermaids are all the rage right now, and I have a niece that LOVES them. I have spent many days sitting in front of the television, watching her favorite mermaid series. If I’m honest with you, I liked […] Read more…

Always Pursue a Relationship with God

Always Pursue a Relationship with God

Pursue God! Don’t ever stop searching after and seeking God. He longs to hear from you, just as you long to hear from Him. Do not stop pursuing a personal relationship with the One who created you. So many times we get busy with life, we listen to the demands of this world and get […] Read more…

It's_time_to_rise|Pray for your children

It’s Time to Rise | Pray for Your Children

It’s Time to Rise | Pray for Your Children Okay Momma’s, it’s time to rise up and claim victory over your home. It’s time to take authority and take your life back out of the hands of Satan. If there’s one thing that gets to me, it’s when the devil tries to torment a home […] Read more…

To the Stressed Out Foster Parents

To the Stressed Out Foster Parent

To the Stressed Out Foster Parent I know how you feel. I’ve been there. You want to love on these babies and care for them the way that you feel that God has called you to do. But today, and perhaps this entire week, has just gotten you down. You have been to countless doctor’s […] Read more…

The Burden of Spiritual Heavy Weights

The Burden of Spiritual Heavy Weights

The Burden of Spiritual Heavy Weights Put that down! Yes, I just said it. Put that down and don’t pick it back up. It’s causing you pain and hardship that you don’t need. I’m talking about this spiritual weight that has you burdened down. You look at that heavy weight and just because it’s not […] Read more…


Finding Joy in an Empty Nursery

Finding Joy in an Empty Nursery Joy is a Decision How can one find joy when your heart longs for something so sweet? How can one find joy when you’ve waited days…months…years to fill the quietness and emptiness of your home? It begins with the way you choose to be in that moment! Finding joy […] Read more…

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