Sometimes, Christian Mom’s Just Need A Break!
Can we be real for a moment? Sometimes Momma’s just need a break! And guess what, it’s okay to admit that you do need one.
Today was just one of those days. If you’re a stay at home mom then you know that some days are absolutely blissful and some days are less than pleasing. While you’re in the midst of creating a peaceful home and raising Godly children, things just happen and it’s overwhelming.
Let me give you a little example of my day.
My little guy and I decided to play outside for a bit and enjoy some fresh crisp air and sunshine. I needed to run into the house for a minute to do something and was planning on going right back outside. I got caught up and all of a sudden this little toot comes running in saying “Momma, come here I show you something”.
So we rush out the door hand in hand and he proceeds to show me something about our dog and something to do with poop. Yeah, I said it.
So I’m like okay, I wasn’t quite sure what the deal was so I go on about my business. It’s time for a quick nap and we go inside to warm up. I pick him up to hug him because he’s so irresistible and I love his hugs. All of a sudden, I feel something wet and thick on his legs and I’m like “What is that??”. It’s poop!
So I asked him if he accidentally sat in the dog’s poop and he just mumbles a reply while I clean it off his pants leg and shoe. I strip him of the offending shoes and pants and then we head to the bathroom to prepare for nap time.
I realized that I still smell the unpleasant odor and I take his shirt off thinking he somehow had gotten something on it. Then I see poop on the outside of his underwear. By now I’m not sure what to think. I pull the undies off and there’s poop inside his undies! It wasn’t a lot but it was definitely more than a “skid mark”. I quickly begin questioning my potty-trained son why there’s poop in his underwear. His answer… “I pooped outside”.
You did what?? What in the world is going on? There’s poop everywhere and all of a sudden my son tells me that he pooped outside. He said “Yep, Bella (the dog) poop outside. I poop outside.” And with that, he proudly grins.
So yeah, I’m talking about those days when we need a break. I posted this meme on Facebook of 3 things I needed at that moment:
And I got a huge response. This let me know that I am not alone in feeling like this. I am not the only mom around who feels like she needs a small break to take a breath and regain her strength.
And just because we’re Christian women does not mean that we don’t get tired in our mission of creating a Godly home. Hey girlfriend, it’s okay to admit that you just need a minute or two alone to regroup. It’s okay to ask for help while you get out and about and grab a coffee by yourself and say a prayer for peace while you’re driving. We are Mom’s and we are human. God does not expect you to hold the full burden alone.
Here are a few ways to regroup:
- Go to a coffee shop and slowly sip coffee for 30 minutes.
- Go to a park and read a book.
- Call a friend and chat/get things off your chest.
- Go for a quick walk/run.
- Anything that changes the atmosphere of being at home surrounded by little mini-me’s.
And who is going to watch the kiddos while you do this? Recruit your family or friends. Get Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, Dad, Best Friend, a Babysitter, or anyone you feel comfortable with to watch your kiddos for about 30 minutes to an hour and get some alone time.
You deserve it and you will be a better Christian mom for distancing yourself for a little bit.
I love to start my mornings with a cup of coffee, my Bible and my journal and I spend time talking with God. This is my most favorite time of the day because I know that when the day gets going good, I’m going to need His guidance. No matter what kind of day it happens to be.
Those of us who go out and work for a living find it hard to relate to Christian blogs aimed at married women.
Hi Fiona, there is a plethora of articles that are aimed toward working moms. I’m sure that you will be able to find one on the internet. This article, however, is written for Christians Mothers who feel they need a break and are given tips. Hope you can find what you are looking for, but this may not be it.