The Uniqueness of God’s Answers

As I prayed for God to guide my hand and heart for this post, I felt confirmation about my personal testimony and what I learned about God’s character through it all. I hope this blesses you and gives you hope and insight about your prayers and how beautiful they are in God’s sight—even when they go unanswered, for now.  – Elizabeth

Pain And Heartbreak

My husband and I were given the heartbreaking news that I would not be able to conceive a child without the help of strong medications—medications that were potentially a risk to my unborn child should I become pregnant.

This was such a conundrum to me… I need these meds to get pregnant; these meds to get pregnant were a threat to my baby should they work.

Confused, I decided the treatment was not the right path to take and I would make this a matter of prayer.

As the months went by, I found myself in a painful place that was totally unfamiliar and new. It was hard not to question my own value and worth, including the value of my prayers.

But I knew that God loved me, and that gave me hope and refuge. Spending time in prayer, even when I couldn’t find words, became my place of emotional safety.

Even though He had not answered my prayers, Jesus became my closest confidant and my relationship with Him grew deeper than it had ever been.

A Word From God

Months later, a guest evangelist was speaking at our church. He called my husband and myself forward and discreetly leaned down to speak quietly with us.

He said, “the Lord spoke to me and told me you have a need. What is it? I feel like the Lord has already spoken it to me, but I would like to hear it from you.”

I looked at my husband whose eyes were already filling with tears and he nodded his encouragement. I explained to the minister that my husband and I wanted to start a family and our situation.

He nodded, confirming that this was exactly what he felt God speak to him. He said, “I’m going to pray for you, and God is going to answer your prayer—not because of anything you’ve done, but because He is faithful. Go home and prepare.”

I’ll never, ever forget those words right before he prayed for us.

I was looking at a positive home pregnancy test one month later.

Mama-Fearless-Opt-in The Uniqueness of God’s Answers

God’s Perfect Timing

The beauty of our miracle has etched itself in our hearts and lives forever, but more than that, I learned something about my incredible Savior. The words of the minister, “…not because of anything you’ve done but because He’s faithful,” still echo in my soul to this day.

God is so incredible, so unique and unlike any other, that His very nature and character is beyond our comprehension. We can’t earn His blessings—there’s no way we can try and be “good enough” or “deserve” answered prayers.

Instead, we ask Him like a child asks something of their Father. We ask because we have an earnest desire, and we have trust in Him.

God responds by doing what’s ultimately best for us. That doesn’t mean we get everything we want, but ensures that we get everything we need, when we need it. Not because we are deserving or entitled, but because we are so deeply, so wonderfully loved.

I fell more deeply in love with Jesus after that. Not only because He gave me a child, but because He let me see something about His character that I’d have missed had I not gone through the pain and disappointments.

He loved me enough to let me experience some heartache, knowing how it would teach me and strengthen me in Him. It’s easy to write about now, but friend, it was not easy to experience. It hurt. A lot.

But looking back, on the other side of my pain and season of seemingly unanswered prayer, I can see just how beautifully God was working, how He healed more than just my body.

The Beauty of God’s Uniqueness

That’s the beauty of God’s uniqueness. He answers beyond what we ask or think, healing what we don’t even see is broken, and does more for us than we might even see at the time.

If this is you, where you’re in a season of darkness, where prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling and land in your face, just remember that we can’t possibly understand all that God is doing. He’s bigger than us, so beautifully unique and powerful, beyond our scope of understanding.

Which is why you can’t fall for the lie that He isn’t working, even when you don’t understand. He absolutely is, and He’s doing the absolute best for you.

Just keep praying, keep running to Him, and you’ll gain more than answered prayers. You’ll see a part of His character you would never have been able to see before, a powerful, unique and mind-blowing beauty that will change you forever.

That’s our God!

-Elizabeth Jimenez |

Mama-Fearless-Opt-in The Uniqueness of God’s Answers

Elizabeth Jimenez lives with her husband and two sons in Southern California. They are actively involved in their church and lead the Children’s Ministry, assist in Music Ministry and serve wherever they’re needed. They started an entrepreneurship journey shortly after they were married and continue learning every day.

Elizabeth is the author and founder of, a website dedicated to encouraging, uplifting and assisting mothers to walk courageously in all seasons of pregnancy, motherhood and even entrepreneurship. She has written three books to that end. Elizabeth loves music, creative writing, connecting with others as they discover their passion, and her ever-present cup of coffee.

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Mama-Fearless-Opt-in The Uniqueness of God’s Answers

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